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ICELAND - Civil society

Iceland has a long history and tradition of non-governmental non-profit organizations working in various fields. Many are engaged in health and social welfare, sports and education. Some have formed coalitions or networks around certain issues to strengthen their efforts and position. One of these networks is Cooperation Council for Alcohol and Drug Prevention in Iceland – Samfo. Samfo is a cooperative platform for more than twenty national NGO‘s in Iceland. The aim of the cooperation is to activate and strengthen cooperation between non-governmental organizations which support an active alcohol and drug control policy in the country. Policy that has public interest and public health promotion as a goal.

Samfo has launched and executed some national prevention projects in the field of alcohol and drugs. Every year the network organizes so-called Week 43; awareness week with focus on prevention and the role of NGO’s in the society.

There is great interest among the member organizations to strengthen this network and deepen their cooperation.

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