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Alkohol & Samfund: Danes believe we drink too much

Den danske alkoholkultur

03.03.2025 - Alcohol consumption in Denmark is too high, according to three out of four people. Excessive drinking is particularly common in nightlife settings, where the availability of alcohol-free options is also low, a new population survey by Alkohol & Samfund reveals. Danes are in favor of banning alcohol marketing on social media and ending sponsorship of sporting events.

A large majority of participants in a new population survey believe that Danes drink too much alcohol. This opinion is not limited to middle-aged and older individuals; the majority of young people aged 18 to 25 also believe that alcohol consumption is excessive, especially in nightlife settings.

These findings are based on a new report from Alkohol & Samfund, which examines Danes’ alcohol consumption, drinking culture, and attitudes toward alcohol prevention. The report is based on a large-scale population survey with 2,016 participants.

Around one in five respondents reported consuming more than ten alcoholic drinks per week, while four out of ten engage in binge drinking at least once a month, meaning they consume more than four drinks on a single occasion.

Additionally, 39% find that alcohol-free options are poorly or very poorly available in bars and nightclubs. The situation is not much better at private gatherings, where 48% of respondents say alcohol-free options are limited at house parties and 41% report the same for family dinners.

"One in ten survey participants regretted how much they drank in the past month, and a significant number would like to reduce their alcohol consumption. However, changing drinking habits is difficult when alcohol plays such a central role in our social interactions and culture," says Janne Tolstrup, professor and chair of the board at Alkohol & Samfund.

According to the survey, 67% of respondents support banning alcohol marketing on social media, while 52% believe alcohol producers should not be allowed to sponsor or advertise in connection with sports.

"We have liberal legislation regarding alcohol marketing, which means we see alcohol advertisements everywhere. But there is actually public support for tightening these regulations," says Janne Tolstrup.

Drinking to the point of memory loss is unacceptable

The survey also highlights what Danes consider acceptable or unacceptable in drinking culture. A total of 71% believe it is unacceptable to drink so much that one cannot remember how much they consumed. Similarly, 69% find it unacceptable to become intoxicated in the presence of children.

"In some areas, there is broad agreement about alcohol culture. However, there is also division, for example, on whether it is acceptable to drink alcohol in sports halls when children are present or whether parents can offer alcohol to their children under 18," says Janne Tolstrup.

Alkohol & Samfund will repeat the survey in 2027 in collaboration with TrygFonden to track changes in attitudes toward alcohol culture and consumption.

About the population survey

The aim of the population survey is to provide a knowledge base that supports the partnership between Alkohol & Samfund and TrygFonden in putting alcohol culture on the agenda. The survey offers insight into Danes' alcohol consumption, drinking culture, and attitudes toward prevention. It will be repeated and followed up with a new publication in 2027.

The survey is based on data collected by Epinion on behalf of Alkohol & Samfund. The questionnaire was distributed on August 8, 2024, and closed on August 16, 2024. A total of 2,016 men and women aged 18 and older participated in the survey.

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