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IQ Initiativet: Breaking the summer's alcohol habits

Lauri Beekmann

25.08.2023 - 4 out of 10 Swedes drank more alcohol during their holiday, with nearly as many consuming alcohol at times when they hadn't planned to. Close to one in four are considering taking a break from alcohol after the summer. This is according to a study conducted by Novus on behalf of IQ.

Many Swedes consume more alcohol during the summer holidays than during other times of the year. However, this year, fewer did so (40%) compared to the previous summer (51%). Before the summer, slightly more believed they would increase their drinking (49%) than those who actually did (40%).

“Weather is an important factor for alcohol consumption, so the slightly cooler summer may have contributed to the reduction in drinking. Additionally, a tighter economy might have made more people tighten their purse strings and prioritise other expenses over alcohol," says Mojtaba Ghodsi, CEO of IQ.

Most people have no trouble cutting down on alcohol when the holiday ends. But some find it more challenging than they'd imagined, often leading to increased consumption even during weekdays.

"While it might require more effort than anticipated, most manage to change and reduce their consumption independently. However, if they struggle, they shouldn’t hesitate to seek help," says Sara Wallhed Finn, a psychologist and alcohol researcher.

3 Tips to Break Holiday Drinking Habits

  1. Reflect on why you want to cut down. What are the benefits of reduced consumption? What motivates you?

  2. Set a consumption goal, like a specific number of glasses per week and in which settings.

  3. Document your drinking daily to understand the situations when you drink and the quantity. Evaluate after a few weeks.

Almost four out of ten (37%) consumed alcohol during the summer even when they hadn't intended to, and one in four (26%) drank more than they had planned on one or more occasions. At the same time, nearly one in four (23%) consider a break from alcohol post-summer. Among those who at any point during the holiday drank more than intended, almost half (48%) are considering a break from alcohol.

"We know that, for instance, a dry month has positive health effects and offers a chance to reflect on long-term alcohol habits," says Sara Wallhed Finn.

Effective Help is Available If you find cutting down on your own challenging, efficient assistance is available.

At, you can easily test your drinking habits and receive more tips.

Visit Alkoholhjälpen, 1177 Vårdguiden, or Alkohollinjen 020-84 44 48 for more information on alcohol dependency and where to find help.

If you're concerned about someone else's drinking habits, get advice and support at

Swedish Drinking Habits During the Summer of 2023:

  • 4 out of 10 (40%) drank more during the holiday than usual.

  • 4 out of 10 (39%) consumed alcohol every other day or more frequently.

  • Almost 4 out of 10 (37%) drank at times when they hadn't planned to.

  • Just over one in four (26%) drank more than they had originally planned.

  • Nearly one in four (23%) are considering a break post-summer. Of those, almost half (48%) who overdrank at any point contemplate taking a break.


About the Post-Summer 2023 Survey: The study was conducted via web interviews in Novus' randomly recruited Sweden panel, ensuring representative results. Interviews: 1,006 individuals aged 18-84. Field period: August 10-16, 2023. Participation rate: 53%. More details are in the attached factsheet.

About the Pre-Summer 2023 Survey: The study was conducted via web interviews in Novus' randomly recruited Sweden panel, ensuring representative results. Interviews: 1,049 individuals aged 18-84. Field period: June 1-8, 2023. Participation rate: 58%.

On the 2022 Summer Survey: Kantar Sifo conducted the nationally representative survey commissioned by IQ between August 15 and 17, 2022. In total, 1,029 individuals aged 18 and above participated.

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