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New age limits for alcohol sales to 16-17-year-olds in Denmark: Enters into force on 1 April 2025

Nye aldersgrænser for salg af alkohol til 16-17-årige: Gælder fra 1. april 2025

24.03.2025 - As of 1 April 2025, the alcohol threshold will be lowered for sales to 16-17-year-olds. The new limits mean that it will no longer be permitted to sell beverages containing more than 6 percent alcohol to young people under 18. There are also requirements for proper signage at points of sale.

Beverages with an alcohol content of more than 6 percent will henceforth be illegal to sell to young people under the age of 18. This means that young people over 16 will still be allowed to buy an ordinary beer but not stronger alcoholic beverages such as shots. The new alcohol limits require both physical and online points of sale to have updated signage from 1 April 2025.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority will carry out inspections The Danish Safety Technology Authority will monitor compliance with the new alcohol limits in both physical stores and webshops – as well as ensure that the new age limit is properly displayed.

“We will continue to monitor compliance with the rules. But we will also do our best to guide and inform the industry, parents, and young people so that shops are as well equipped as possible to follow the rules,” says Stine Pedersen, Head of Division at the Danish Safety Technology Authority.

Leading up to the implementation of the new alcohol limits, the industry has been continuously informed. However, it is always the responsibility of the point of sale to comply with the new age requirements for the sale of alcohol. A breach of the rules may result in a fine for the seller.

The new age limits are part of the government’s prevention plan, which aims to reduce alcohol, nicotine, and tobacco use among children and young people.

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