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Lauri Beekmann

Swedish government modifies assignment to Socialstyrelsen on alcohol, drugs, and gambling policy


10.09.2024 - The Swedish government has announced modifications to Socialstyrelsen's (the National Board of Health and Welfare) mandate regarding its support for policies on alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and nicotine, as well as gambling.

The decision, which was formalized by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, includes new deadlines for Socialstyrelsen to submit proposals and reports. By November 15, 2024, Socialstyrelsen is expected to provide suggestions on how to shape the future of Sweden's ANDTS (Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping, Tobacco, Nicotine, and Gambling) policy. Additionally, by March 31, 2025, a simplified interim report is required, which should give an overview of the work carried out during the previous year.

This new directive does not affect the overall timeline for the assignment. The final report is still due by March 31, 2026.

Background: Socialstyrelsen was initially tasked with supporting the implementation of the ANDTS strategy for 2021-2025, following the government’s renewed focus on these issues as outlined in a proposal (prop. 2020/21:132) presented in April 2021. However, modifications were made in July 2021 after the strategy failed to gain full parliamentary support. The Parliament has since requested the government to return with a new proposal for the ANDTS strategy.

The recent modifications reflect the ongoing development of a new ANDTS strategy. Socialstyrelsen’s reports will serve as a basis for shaping the future of Sweden's public health policies concerning these critical areas.

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