06.01.2024 - A survey conducted by EHYT ry via Verian reveals that 15% of alcohol consumers in Finland participated in “Tipaton tammikuu” (Dry January) in 2024. The participants were asked about the benefits they experienced during the alcohol-free month. According to the survey, 18% reported feeling more refreshed and energized, or an overall improvement in their alertness during Tipaton.
Twelve percent of participants stated they slept better or generally felt healthier. Another commonly noted benefit was saving money.
The initiative was most popular among 18-24-year-olds and those over 65. In January 2024, men were more likely to participate in Tipaton tammikuu than women.
“Tipaton isn’t just about January,” said Maaret Väkinen, a communications expert at EHYT ry. “More than half of the participants continued their alcohol-free period into February, and 11% reduced their overall drinking. However, one-third returned to their previous drinking habits after Tipaton.”
The unemployed were particularly active in the initiative, with one in five participating. Students also favored the challenge, with 15% joining in. Entrepreneurs and retirees participated slightly more than other groups.
Health remains the main reason for participating in Tipaton
For years, health has been the primary motivator for participating in Tipaton tammikuu. In 2024, nearly half of the participants cited health-related reasons as the main driver. A third mentioned that Tipaton had become a tradition.
Twenty-five percent wanted to challenge themselves, while 23% participated for financial reasons. Other motivations included the desire to lose weight and social pressure from friends or peer groups.
“Tipaton helps lower blood pressure and improve sleep quality. Better sleep and increased energy can also lead to a more positive mood,” Väkinen explained.
January 2025: Live more – the new theme for Tipaton tammikuu
The theme for Tipaton tammikuu 2025 is “Live more.” The campaign will spark conversations about social pressure related to alcohol consumption and encourage people to embrace their authentic selves.
“Refusing alcohol can be difficult, and the decision not to drink is sometimes questioned. Many fear being excluded from their social circle. Tipaton provides a great opportunity to reflect on why we consume alcohol. Is it merely a habit, or is there social pressure involved?” Väkinen added.
The communications efforts for Tipaton tammikuu are coordinated by the network of preventive substance abuse organizations and EHYT ry.
* The survey data was collected through telephone interviews conducted between February 5-16, 2024. The sample represents the Finnish population aged 18 and over, excluding residents of the Åland Islands. A total of 1,006 interviews were completed.