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Lauri Beekmann

TUBA launches new concept: Now young people can join group therapy online

Kåre Skarsholm, landsleder i TUBA Danmark
Kåre Skarsholm

18.07.2024 - Access to therapy following an upbringing with alcohol or drug abuse should not depend on the municipality one lives in. A new concept aims to make help more accessible.

More young people from families affected by substance abuse should have access to specialized therapy programs. This is the goal of TUBA, an organization that provides specialized therapy and counseling to young people who grew up in homes with alcohol or drug abuse.

To achieve this, they are now trying a new concept where physical therapy rooms are replaced by familiar Teams rooms as group therapy moves online.

“We know there are many young people who do not live near a TUBA branch. They need help just as much. We want to reach them where they are, which is why we are now trying online group therapy,” says Kåre Skarsholm, the national director of TUBA.

Same therapy, new format

Although the format will be different, young people can look forward to receiving the same familiar and specialized therapy that has been used and developed during TUBA's 27 years of existence.

The new online groups are for young people aged 18-24, and TUBA plans to start them after the summer holidays. The first group will take place on Tuesdays in odd weeks from 14:00 – 16:00. New groups will start continuously based on demand.

TUBA has physical branches in 33 municipalities across the country and helps around 3,000 young people each year. Earlier this year, it also became possible for young people aged 18-24 to start individual therapy sessions online.

How to join the new online groups

If you want to join the new online groups, simply send an email to with your age, municipality of residence, contact information, and a brief description of your upbringing. A skilled TUBA therapist will then contact you to arrange a possible start in one of the groups.


Source: TUBA

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Jul 19
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Despite the change in format, young individuals can expect to receive the same well-established and tailored geometry dash therapy that TUBA has been refining over its 27 years of operation.

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