05.11.2024 - Over a million Swedes currently live with risky alcohol consumption. For many, this not only has personal consequences but also affects their loved ones, especially children. Every year during Week 45, MHF (The Swedish Abstaining Motorists' Association) and its partners make a concentrated effort to highlight preventive and rehabilitative measures that make a difference in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse, as well as drunk driving.
This year's theme is "Supporting Children and Relatives Living in Families with Addiction." Each day during the week, we will highlight successful examples from authorities, organizations, and other actors working to support children, young people, and relatives in vulnerable families.
By spreading knowledge and showcasing successful initiatives, we hope to inspire increased support and long-term change.
Week Highlights:
Four films with interviews and reports to be published on our social media. Here we meet organizations and dedicated individuals working to support children and relatives in families with addiction. We meet Ersta Vändpunkten, Junis, Ida Fredriksson who grew up in a family with addiction, and Lasse Lewerth from the "Children Program" Foundation.
Wednesday, November 6th, 10 AM-12 PM we are arranging a digital seminar with support from the network "The Forgotten Children" and NBV, titled "Supporting Children and Relatives in Families with Addiction." Experts and organizations will present their methods for strengthening support for these families. More information about the seminar can be found in the attached schedule, and registration is available here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tdEZbAW_P0q8iLDnI2bqASDcbXDnfRxPrjWhVCtUorVUNDM4NTdTRUcxVVBVODU5SlRONzMwRk1CRy4u
The goal of Week 45 is to increase understanding and create a shared drive for change. Together, we can create a stronger and better safety net for children and relatives who otherwise risk falling through the cracks in our society.
Source: www.mhf.se/vecka45